This summer, our Big Horn SD #1 Food Service staff worked hard at both the Burlington and Rocky Mountain sites in our Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). They prepared a combined total of over 50,000 meals that went out to our communities to feed our kids breakfast and lunch over a 10-week span. Each participant (must be 18 years old or under) received a gallon of milk, 7 breakfasts, and 7 lunches each week when they picked up their meals. We received positive feedback from participants and look forward to growing our numbers and program next summer.

The Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) National Office and Regional Office staff visited some of Wyoming's non-congregate SFSP­ sites over the summer, including our Burlington site. We had a great visit discussing how the program has benefited our communities. This was an information collecting trip for them as this was the first year the SFSP offered non-congregate meal services across the country for rural areas. The National FNS representatives traveled from Washington DC; Atlanta, Georgia; and Denver, Colorado. Our state representative also visited from Cheyenne. They gathered feedback from participants as well as the staff.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed their efforts to make this summer’s SFSP successful. It was very beneficial to many families in our communities. I believe we will be able to improve and learn from this first year operating and make next summer even better.