Burlington School

The WDE would like to recognize 12 Wyoming schools meeting the benchmark of maintaining Exceeding Expectations for three ratings periods .

 These schools not only met the Exceeding Expectations designation prior to COVID, they remarkably saw no decrease through this period. 

• Velma Linford Elementary, Albany #1 

• Spring Creek Elementary, Albany #1

 • Burlington High School, Big Horn #1 

• PODER Academy, Laramie #1 

• PODER Academy Secondary School, Laramie #1

 • New Frontier High School, Lincoln #1 

• Parkside Elementary, Park #1

 • Glenn Livingston Elementary, Park #6

 • Story Elementary, Sheridan #2

 • Woodland Park Elementary, Sheridan #2

 • Colter Elementary, Teton #1 

• Summit Innovations School, Teton #1